The story of how BCIMC secretly conspired to take over the property of Pacific Rim Resort owned by the English family reveals a network controlled by BCIMC stretching from Victoria, British Columbia, to Atlanta, Georgia.
The campaign of terrorism included, firebombing, vandalism, death threats, abuse of municipal power, abuse of government power, obstruction of justice, and attempted murder as part of a conspiracy to acquire private property at fire sale prices. All investors in British Columbia need to be aware of these tactics by Government agencies. There is an ancient legal maxim:"He who profits most from a crime is the one most likely to have committed it"
For the first time in 40 years, Queen Elizabeth has ordered a Premier of British Columbia to come to London for private talks.
Premier Christy
Officially, British ColumbiaPremier Christy Clark was in London to get a medal for saving the Great Bear Rain Forest but insiders report that the real reason Queen Elizabeth ordered the Premier to report back to London is the expected difficulties for British Columbia with the election of the maverick Donald Trump to the office of the Presidency of the United States who quickly announced that British Columbia will be a target of an attack over the British Columbia government's notorious subsidization of the local softwood lumber producers.
Insiders report that the Canadian Political class, especially thecrooked politicians and bureaucrats in British Columbia who stole the property of the English family and refuse to give it back, are reacting in fear, horror, dread and panic over the election of the no-bull-shit truth teller Donald Trump to the American presidency.
Mr. Trump was elected largely because he spoke the truth about the lying, cheating, thieving, politicians and their friends in the USA that he bought with his own cash over the years while his rival Hillary Clinton was caught in a major corruption scandal that has many parallels in British Columbia.
Mr. Trump could have been saying the exact same thing about the corrupt Premier Christy Clark and her colleagues both in the BC liberal Partyand in the crooked NDP opposition party under its corrupt leader John Horgan who is afraid to blow the whistle on corruption involving his pension plan because he is compromised by ...what ?
Another Crooked Politician
Premier Clark and her colleagues including Mr. Horgan and is NDP caucus members are now key players in a criminal conspiracy to retain possession property stolen from the English family which is a criminal offence contrary to section 354 (1) of the Criminal Code of Canada. British Columbia Premier Christy Clark and her corrupt colleagues are especially worried because Premier Clark, an outsider from Canada felt no shyness in trying to win approval from the public in Canada by throwing insults at Mr. Trump when she, fooled by the corrupt media polls in the USA, was supremely confident that Mr. Trump would lose the election.
A mere two weeks before the November 8 election, Premier Clark opened her big mouth and according to the Vancouver Sun said "there is no way to defend what Donald Trump has said... in fact, everybody should be condemning it ... it’s just really important that we have the chance to confront it, to talk about it and to condemn it, ...This is an unbelievable election. I’ve never seen anything like this in politics.”
Well done Premier Clark...
How are you going to negotiate a softwood lumber deal or any deal when you insult the President of the United States?
Another Crooked Politician
The problem facing crooked politicians in British Columbia is that water flows downhill and if Trump drains the swamp in Washington, as he promised to do, then water levels in the swamp in British Columbia will go down and the crooked payoffsto offshore islands to reward British Columbia politicians and high level crooked bureaucrats and the sex with children trips and other stuff on the Lolita Express to Orgy Island and other hot spots by British Columbia politicians and bureaucrats will become widely known and ...
By contrast, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau did not rush out and throw insults at Mr. Trump and but, instead, wisely refused to comment on the personalities or statements made during to the US Presidential race.
Wise Man Trudeau
When President Trump comes to Ottawa and Prime Minister Trudeau goes to Washington, Trudeau will have no difficulty looking Mr. Trump straight in the eye and getting down to business while Premier Christy Clark and the crooked political class in British Columbia will be stumbling and fumbling and all the softwood lumber workers in British Columbia, whose jobs are on the line, will be wishing that Christy Clark had been smart like Justin Trudeau and kept her big mouth shut.
Meanwhile Christy Clark and the criminals around her are doing their best to destroy John Carten who is the retired lawyer who assisted John English and his family understand that the crimes against their family were carried out to enrich Premier Clark's pension plan and that is why the Premier Clark refuses to discuss giving the property back like criminals are supposed to do when they are caught. The dirty lawyers hired by Christy Clark and her criminal friends are trying to put Mr. Carten in jail for helping the victims of their crimes. The case is set for hearing on November 28, 2016 in Vancouver.
Robert desTrois Maisons, former Vice President of Legal Affairsand General Counsel at British Columbia Investment Management Corporation from August 2002 to (12 years 11 months) has disappeared. Over at the Law Society of British Columbia,Robert is listed as a "non practising lawyer"who was called to the bar on September 12, 2002 but "Contact information for non-practising and retired members is not made available" Click here to view Lawyer Look Up at the Law Society of British Columbia This should come as no surprise because of number of the gangsters at BCIMC and other places in the British Columbia government who were involved in the criminal conspiracy to loot the English family property have quietly been fired, let go or resigned such as former BCIMC CEO Doug Pearce, who was paid $1.2 million per year when this blog started revealing the corruption at BCIMC and former BC Hydro Chairpersons Charles Reid and Dan Doyle who also resigned shortly after their dirty exploits were published here.
British Columbia Investment Management Corporation has replaced Robert with another lawyer named, Patricia Bood.
Patricia Bood
Before joining British Columbia Investment Management Corporation, Patricia served as Senior Vice President of Legal Services and General Counsel at Brookfield Renewable Partners L.P. (also known as Brookfield Renewable Power Fund) from March 2003 to July 2015 and served as its Secretary. Ms. Bood served as Secretary, General Counsel and Vice-President of Legal Services of Brascan Energy Marketing Inc. Ms. Bood served as Vice President of Legal Services and General Counsel of Brookfield Renewable Power Fund. She served as Secretary, ... General Counsel and Vice President of Legal Services of Great Lakes Hydro Income Fund.
Despite all her experience and learning it appears that Patricia Bood doesn't know much about criminal law because BCIMC is resisting our efforts to have it return stolen property to its rightful owners and to pay fair compensate to Mr. English and his children for the terrorism it inflcted upon them.
Kevin Keyes
Parksbridge Community Lifestyles Inc. is the subsidiary of BCIMC that BCIMC used to carry out its fraud on the court.
Parksbridge is guided by legal counsel Kevin Keyes who is a full patch member of Borden Ladner Gervais, one of Canada's largest lawyer gangs with Chapters in most major cities who were also was retained by Mr. English and his family but never revealed to Mr. English that they also acted for Parksbridge which was wholly owned by BCIMC.
The Criminal Code of Canada is clear:
354(1) Every one commits an offence who has in his possession any property or thing or any proceeds of any property or thing knowing that all or part of the property or thing or of the proceeds was obtained by or derived directly or indirectly from
(a) the commission in Canada of an offence punishable by indictment; or
Partricia is also running afoul of Law Society of British Columbia rules about advising her employer organization to commit crimes
3.2-8 Alawyer who is employed or retained by an organization to act in a matter in which the lawyer knows or ought to know that the organization has acted, is acting or intends to act dishonestly, criminally or fraudulently, must do the following, in addition to his or her obligations under rule 3.2-7:
(a) advise the person from whom the lawyer takes instructions and the chief legal officer, or both the chief legal officer and the chief executive officer, that the proposed conduct is, was or would be dishonest, criminal or fraudulent and should be stopped;
(b) if necessary because the person from whom the lawyer takes instructions, the chief legal officer or the chief executive officer refuses to cause the proposed conduct to be stopped, advise progressively the next highest persons or groups, including ultimately, the board of directors, the board of trustees, or the appropriate committee of the board, that the proposed conduct was, is or would be dishonest, criminal or fraudulent and should be stopped; and
(c) if the organization, despite the lawyer’s advice, continues with or intends to pursue the proposed wrongful conduct, withdraw from acting in the matter in accordance with section 3.7.
The commentary provided by the Law Society is helpful
[1] The past, present, or proposed misconduct of an organization may have harmful and serious consequences, not only for the organization and its constituency, but also for the public who rely on organizations to provide a variety of goods and services. In particular, the misconduct of publicly traded commercial and financial corporations may have serious consequences for the public at large. This rule addresses some of the professional responsibilities of a lawyer acting for an organization, including a corporation, when he or she learns that the organization has acted, is acting, or proposes to act in a way that is dishonest, criminal or fraudulent. In addition to these rules, the lawyer may need to consider, for example, the rules and commentary about confidentiality (section 3.3).